
What is the difference between cold calling and telemarketing?

Many people consider telemarketing calls are all the same, but the reality is that there are small differences. For example, while a number of requests you receive from companies that do business with, which are known as warm calls, some from a seller / company, you do not know, and this is called a cold.

It should, however, "cold calling" is not a random telephone fraud or telemarketing calls to any phone number of consumers are confused. A cold callgenerally used to describe a solicitation to approach a potential client or customer, who did not expect this phone call. In many cases, the cold caller aware of the phone contact of consumers can be used or the service or product that offer benefits.

However, although cold calls from vendors are legitimate, no less a nuisance to these calls concerned consumers and businesses. Socommonly called cold not generally have a high success rate, especially in the average home phone, as these sellers are often hung up or told not to call back. For this reason, some companies do not even hot on telemarketing with this method, with the stress and demands.

Also, because cold calls are unwanted and may not be the recipient of the call, can make a complaint against these vendors with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) or whichthe Federal Trade Commission (FTC) if you are registered with the National Do Not Call Registry (NDNCR). The registry protects you from unwanted calls. Thus, telemarketing, which requires not have an existing business relationship, to update their call lists, and no direct contact with you.

However, before a telemarketing complaints filed with the FCC or NDNCR, tries to stop the calls, demanding that the cold caller to place their company-specificdo-not-call list that allows you to enforce the law. If they call again, have their number, their name and the name of their company, the time they called, and the nature of the call, and then to act officially complain.

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